I want to run: Like a Traveller, Never a tourist!

What has happened to me? Have I stopped thinking or have I suddenly run out of Ideas? I don’t think of writing anymore. It feels as if I have better things to do. Life is big and writing doesn’t seem to fill the empty spaces.

Is my motivation lost?
All enthusiasm gone?
Was my excitement an illusion?

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Blogs: The creativity syndrome!

Yesterday, I met a guy who asked me, “OK, since now I am 11 posts and a few 100 followers old on wordpress, how can I improve? How can I increase the number of views my blog has, the number of unique visitors it gets, the inbound links it has. How can I fuckin’ monetize it?” And I replied, “Shut the fuck up Sudhir. Don’t be a cynically opressive capitalist. Leave your fuckin’ blog as it is.”

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Ideas of the confused mind!

Before beginning this post I was wondering what exactly shall I write about? What topic shall I touch upon? What feelings shall I try to convey? and then suddenly it dawned on me…Nothing! I don’t know! I am confused.

Has it ever occured to you, when your mind simply says, “I don’t know”. I’m sure it must have because without it life would seem so abnormal. We are not perfect and it is perfectly fine.

But, What to do..

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Motivation: it is continuity that matters, spurs don’t count

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.”
– Gordon Parks –

There are times when one feels motivated and energetic when starting something new, but after some time loses enthusiasm and interest? Most certainly you will not achieve Success that way. Do you feel something needs to change? If yes, then read on…

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Persevere: That’s all that matters!!

Often when we don’t get what we desire in as little time as possible, we feel discontented. It is this emptiness that replaces every bit of our enthusiasm, motivation and sincerity with depression, self-pity and lack of self-esteem.

Often, after reading a book or an article, after listening to a lecture or watching a movie, there is a burst of enthusiasm and a high energy level, but this often does not last long.

What can you do to keep enthusiastic and motivated? What can you do to do achieve what you want? The secret lies here..

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Success: The game of mindset

Success: The game of mindset

Have you ever wondered what the reason behind success is? Why people like Jobs and Gates and most recently Mr Nadella have become what they are? Why is there always a select few like them who play with success at such ease? What is the path that leads them to this ultimate glory and achievement….Well, it all lies in one thing; The Mind-set!

We all want to be an amazing athlete, a creative genius, a great writer, an inspirational leader etc. etc. And people say in order to achieve these you require an attitude, a frame of mind, a level of dedication and BLAH BLAH BLAH!! What not? But, getting past the obvious, my point is simple…

You need three things

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