I want to run: Like a Traveller, Never a tourist!

What has happened to me? Have I stopped thinking or have I suddenly run out of Ideas? I don’t think of writing anymore. It feels as if I have better things to do. Life is big and writing doesn’t seem to fill the empty spaces.

Is my motivation lost?
All enthusiasm gone?
Was my excitement an illusion?

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Writing to Freedom!

Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.

By Don DeLillo

Problems ain’t here, They’re everywhere!

I see myself suffering in the agony of problems,
Problems that eat my mind and do no kind,
Just give pain!

Ranging from trivial to criminal, they speak to me,
Telling, I cannot chage my mind or the worldly kind,
That I can make no difference in my limited time.

A difference important for the world to see,
One that would make problems flee,

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Why am I doing this?

whyNormally, when people begin something they know what they are trying to do. They have it all planned and know where they are headed.

Fortunately, I seldom get such privilege. Although, I knew what I am trying to write has certain meaning to it, I never knew why I’ve suddenly started writing it all. Why I suddenly started expressing myself and putting my thoughts in words. But, finally it has come. The reason has dawned.

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Motivation: it is continuity that matters, spurs don’t count

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.”
– Gordon Parks –

There are times when one feels motivated and energetic when starting something new, but after some time loses enthusiasm and interest? Most certainly you will not achieve Success that way. Do you feel something needs to change? If yes, then read on…

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